Our 2018 report highlights some of our key achievements in line with our mission to improve the well-being of vulnerable arid and semi-arid land communities through sustainable development.


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Annual Report 2018 Narrative

Annual Report 2018 Operational Outputs

Lack of adequate water was the main constraint to sustainable livelihoods in many parts of the county. In other areas, rapid run-off during the 2018 rainy season resulted into high proportion going to waste or becoming destructive.
Conflict further limited livelihood options and shared management of natural resources, compounding vulnerability and decreasing resilience. “Conflict resolution and peaceful coexistence are integral components of PACIDA’s thematic programming in northern Kenya. This includes border counties with hardship and volatile environments as well as Ethiopia’s southern regions,” says Patrick Katelo, Executive Director of PACIDA.


PACIDA reached 480,000 livestock during mass deworming and treatment in Marsabit County. In Illeret, the first ever butchery built to support meat handling helped to improve hygiene and sanitation among the Dassanach community. 398 households benefited through restocking of 3,680 sheep and goats. PACIDA’s cash transfer projects, under Disaster Emergency Response reached over 2,450 households with emergency cash support to cushion the effects of drought.

Under Building Resilience project on fodder production Jaldesa Sauti Moja Women group at Badassa was able to harvest 60 bales of hay per acre from rehabilitated rangeland. “We expect to harvest 60 bales of hay per acre from rehabilitated rangelands. We are reaping double benefit by selling a kilogram of grass seeds at 1,000 Kenya Shillings,” says Fatuma who is Chairperson of Jaldesa Sauti Moja Fodder Production Group in Badassa.

Besides Jaldesa Sauti Moja, PACIDA continued to create spaces for other women to take up leadership positions in community associations, savings schemes and self-help projects. A good example of gender inclusion being El Qancharo community support group in North Horr which was reconstituted in 2018 with PACIDA’s support to include women in decision-making positions.
Dialogue meetings on resource sharing among Borana, Gabbra and Rendille communities including cross-border dialogues resulted in reduction in incidents of conflict and promoted harmonious co-existence. As result of 2018 peace meetings, local communities started sharing resources and controlling grazing patterns in volatile areas in order to regenerate pasture around communal land. Facilitated 5 inter-schools peace forums.


PACIDA constructed classrooms and equipped school with teaching, learning, instructional materials and mattresses. We also provided mobile schools with books, furniture and instructional materials. Supported 160 high school students from poor families with bursaries to continue with their education.
Construction of rainwater harvesting underground tanks enhanced access to water during drought period. We also solarized five boreholes and installed three chip-based pre-paid water meters to enhance transparency in water revenue collection and management. New borehole drilled and equipped at Dosa Wachu.
“By enhancing its monitoring and innovative practice, PACIDA hopes to stay ahead of the crisis and provide sustainable solutions that benefit people affected by these crises,” says the Vice Chairperson of the Board for PACIDA, Dr. Chris Field in a statement.

Marsabit County has an estimated poverty rate of 83.2% reflecting the general trend in the northern frontier regions of Kenya. 80% of the population in the county derives its livelihood from livestock, 10% practice agriculture, 7% make income in commerce and trade and 3% are employed.