
Impact Stories

After five consecutive failed rainy seasons, Kenya experienced heavy rains that brought devastating floods between October and December 2023. Damage to agriculture, livestock, and disruption ...
Cash Transfer-Bridging the food gap Kame Mamo Dido, is a 32-year-old widow and a mother of 5 children. Her youngest child is barely 9 months ...
Thomas Edison, the great innovator behind the bulb, said: There’s a way to do it better. Find it! In its work with communities, PACIDA knew ...
Marsabit-Kenya: Seen as the worlds’ worst migratory pests, desert locust swarms descended in Marsabit, decimating crops and devouring grazing land, subsequently affecting the source of ...
How Village Savings and Loans Concept is transforming businesses in Marsabit, Kenya Standing in front of her small mud retail-shop, Halima Adan, stares at her ...
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Disaster Risk Reduction
Peace and Governance

Breaking News! PACIDA Awarded The Best NGO In Environment And Climate Change, And WASH

We are pleased to share some very good news! PACIDA has this evening been awarded in two categories in the inaugural NGO Awards 2024:

(i) Best in Environment and Climate Change 

(ii) Best in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 

The colourful event turned out to be a crowning for PACIDA as it was the ONLY NGO THAT WON IN TWO CATEGORIES. 

“These awards are dedicated to the communities that we partner with; our donors and partners who believe in our vision of delivering lasting impact and our Board and staff who always go the extra mile working with people in the most hidden corners of the country,” said Patrick Katelo, the CEO of PACIDA. 

“These two awards will invigorate our passion and commitment to do more. Being awarded in such a competitive process is a befitting reward for our impactful work,” said Dr Adano Wario, the Chairperson of PACIDA.    

We thank every person who voted for PACIDA. Your vote earned us these awards.

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