One Health Project

This is a 26-months, one health project funded by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Merck Family Foundation. Its objective is to contribute to improving human, animal and environmental health in northern Kenya and south Ethiopia with focus on zoonotic diseases, through sustainable cross sectoral strengthening of local capacity and control. The project that is about to kick-off in both countries is implemented by Malteser International in partnership with PACIDA with collaboration with other partners and the relevant government ministries.

It targets to realise the following:

1. Improve surveillance of zoonotic diseases and their timely reporting through introduction of technologies, use of improved guidelines for disease reporting from communities and strengthening through mobile clinics / OH units

2. Strengthen intra- and intergovernmental structures and One Health relationships and use public private partnerships

3. Improve cooperation and partnership in research and cross-border engagements

4. Improving fodder production and rangeland management

5. Integrating the new challenges of peace and conflict into natural resource sharing

Activities to be Conducted Include:

I. Establishment of zone health structures in Marsabit and Dire Wereda

II. Conducting integrated outreaches for children under five years and pregnant and breastfeeding mothers

III. Rehabilitation of boreholes with solar energy and reverse osmosis

IV. Improving livestock production and livestock operations for treatment of zoonotic diseases and deworming

V. Providing support to EOC in reporting and responding to zoonotic diseases

VI. Supporting peace committee meetings in Kenya and Ethiopia

VII. Environmental Programs

Project Methodology

1. Strengthen and establish One Health systems and structures that can respond to zoonosis and epidemics in a coordinated and appropriate manner

2. Improve human, livestock and environmental health, through control and prevention of zoonotic diseases, increased food security and applied WASH practices

3. Integrate One Health research components and establishment two sustainable model farms for training, research and best practices in both regions.

Nutrition Interventions
PACIDA is currently implementing a project aimed at fighting malnutrition and protecting livelihoods of vulnerable communities affected by drought in Marsabit. The project dubbed “Pastoral livelihood protection, cash plus and social behavior change communication activities in Illeret, Maikona and Turbi wards, “the project is funded by the Government of France and implemented by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with PACIDA being the service provider for FAO.

The project targets households with children under two years and those with pregnant and lactating women under treatment for acute malnutrition. The project has components of cash transfer, livestock feeds distribution and social behavior change communication. The social behaviour change communication will be delivered through various communication platforms such as information, education and communication (IEC) materials, radio messaging, on-ground activities, among others. It will also support ‘Malezi Bora’ activities.