The Pastoralist Community Initiative and Development Assistance (PACIDA) is a development and relief organisation that empowers pastoralist communities through sustainable community-driven development interventions.
PACIDA was founded in 2008 by local scholars and development practitioners who were concerned about the huge and widening humanitarian needs, deepening vulnerabilities and huge development gap in its target region.
Registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation in Kenya, the organisation’s ‘theory of change’ is anchored on working with our target communities to identify challenges, design interventions and mobilise resources to address them. We strive to pursue long-term and sustainable development in collaboration with the beneficiary communities, government, development actors and other stakeholders.
PACIDA’s work is hinged on five key thematic/outcome areas:
(i) Sustainable Livelihoods Development
(ii) Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
(iii) Education
(iv) Peace, Conflict Management & Governance
(v) Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation (DRR & CCA).
In our work, we remain non-sectarian and apolitical. We respect strict political and religious impartiality and operates according to principles of non-discrimination and transparency. We also fully adhere to Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS)
Networks and Collaboration
PACIDA is an active member of a number of local and regional forums and networks for the purpose of coordination and sharing learning. At local level, PACIDA is an active member of the County Steering Group (CSG), Water and Environmental Sanitation Coordinating Forum (WESCOORD) and Marsabit Indigenous Organisation Network (MIONET).
At regional level, PACIDA is a member of the Regional Lobby and Advocacy Programme (REGLAP), PELUM-K and various sector-based forums. The organization is a member of the Kenya Humanitarian Forum (KHF), Livestock and Agriculture chaired by UN-FAO and works with various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as well as various relevant government line ministries, universities, research institutions, departments, parastatals, and regulatory institutions. At international level, PACIDA is a member of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA), Global Alliance on Armed Violence (GAAV). PACIDA is also a member of Global Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (GNDR).
A peaceful, progressively prosperous and resilient community
To improve the well-being of vulnerable ASAL communities through sustainable development
(i) To enhance livelihoods of target community through increased agriculture and livestock development and marketing, as well as micro-enterprise development
(ii) To contribute towards improved health and quality of life and reduce poverty levels through provision of water and sanitation services on a sustainable basis
(iii) To contribute to increased access, equity and quality of education for children in ASAL regions
(iv) To strengthen peaceful co-existence and cohesion of ASAL communities and enhance citizen participation in local governance
(v) To build disaster resilience of the ASAL community through climate change adaptations and responding to emergencies
(vi) To develop the institutional capacity of PACIDA to ensure organisational sustainability
(i) Transparency and accountability – We are open in our all our work and we endevour to live a life beyond reproach, always
(ii) Commitment and service to community – We take service to humanity as a calling and a higher purpose.
(iii) People centeredness – Our interventions are aimed at delivering lasting impact in people’s lives.
(iv) Integrity – We uphold the highest level of honesty in our engagements.
(v) Professionalism – We strive to be professional in all our engagements.
(vi) Equity and respect for human rights – We hold that all individuals are equal and should be accorded the dignity and worthiness that they deserve.
(vii) Cooperation and partnerships: we work with various stakeholders and actors – community, county and national governments, development sector actors, faith-based organisations, among others, in our interventions.