Disaster Risk Reduction

The main goal of the programme is to work with the communities on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) to ensure negative effects of drought and other disasters are reduced significantly to save lives of the community members and their livelihoods and foundation of community assets.

This helps to build the resilience of the target groups to bridge the existing gap between drought resilient livelihoods, natural resource management, inter-communal conflict management and the long-term development concerns in the region.

Other direct interventions:

  1. Conditional cash transfers through bulk mobile money services – MPesa
  2. Supported supplementary livestock feeding at times of drought
  3. Rehabilitated 25 boreholes at times of drought crisis
  4. Emergency water deliveries through trucking for drought affected communities
  5. Provided water treatment tabs during emergencies
  6. Provided food aid for communities affected by rampant droughts, conflicts, floods
  7. Provided non-food items for the victims of recurrent disasters in the region
  8. Animal health services through vaccination, treatment and deworming
  9. Supported human health services related to Kala Azar and Covid-19 pandemic
  10. Supported slaughter de-stocking and commercial off-take at times of drought crisis
  11. Provided fuel subsidies at times of drought

Achievements in Numbers

Disaster risk reduction groups established
Disaster risk reduction centres established and equipped
DRR and contingency plans developed and linked to the county contingency plans